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version 0.2.0


1. The Ubiquitous Wordcount

For starters, we’ll use a well-known map/reduce application: Wordcount. We’ll start simple and refine the example codes in several iterations to get acquainted with the most important groovy-hadoop features and command line options to end up with short and efficient code. Note that all following program versions are fully functional and that it’s merely a matter of taste and runtime efficiency which one to choose.

First attempt: Borrow the wordcount example code

For this example, we’ll cut the beef from the example (with small modifications) and forget all the boilerplate stuff. Create a file map.txt with the following content (The file creation part is only for a clear arrangement of the example. One could as well provide all the Java code inline at the command line):

String line = value.toString();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
Text word = new Text();
IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
    context.write(word, one);

Additionally, create a file reduce.txt like:

int sum = 0;
for (IntWritable val : values) {
    sum += val.get();
context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum));

Now, what are the differences between traditional hadoop jar and groovy-hadoop execution? To make the original Wordcount example run, one would have to

  1. compile all the beefy code together with the boilerplate stuff,
  2. package a Jar file (ideally executable) and
  3. run $ hadoop jar wordcount.jar <input path(s)> <output path>

In contrast, with groovy-hadoop all one would have to do is execute

$ hadoop jar groovy-hadoop-0.2.0.jar   \
-outputKeyClass Text                   \
-outputValueClass IntWritable          \
-map "`cat map.txt`"                   \
-reduce "`cat reduce.txt`"             \
-input <input path(s) in HDFS>         \
-output <output path in HDFS>          \

No boilerplate code, no javac, and no jar!

Next step: Performance improvements

  1. Reuse output keys and values. To omit object creation and garbage collection overhead, a common technique is to use single instances for output keys and values in Mapper and Reducer implementations. For this purpose, groovy-hadoop injects the objects outKey and outValue into all map, reduce, and combine scripts.
  2. Use a Combiner Nothing new here. For applications suited for map-side reduce operations, there is a -combine command line parameter which works exactly as -reduce.
  3. Use CombineSplits A well-known way to deal with lots of small input files is to use the CombineFileInputFormat. Additionally, this hadoop InputFormat comes in very handy if the intention is to process more data at once in an InputSplit than the HDFS block size allows. groovy-hadoop uses a custom CombineFileInputFormat implementation by default if the specified InputFormat extends FileInputFormat. The default input split size is set to 512M. To disable this behavior, the command line option -combinesplits 0 has to be used.
  4. Reuse JVMs for maps and reduces. JVM startup and cleanup takes some time and the overall job performance can be significantly increased by simply reusing these instances. Therefore, groovy-hadoop‘s default behavior is to set the mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks parameter to -1. If this behavior is not desired, the command line option -jvmreuse <reuse value> has to be used.

Final version: Make it groovy!

With Groovy instead of Java syntax the complete example reads like

$ hadoop jar groovy-hadoop-0.2.0.jar               \
-outputKeyClass Text                               \
-outputValueClass IntWritable                      \
-map 'outValue.set(1)
      }'                                           \
-reduce 'def sum=0
           sum += it.get()
         context.write(key,outValue)'              \
-combine 'def sum=0
            sum += it.get()
          context.write(key,outValue)'              \
-input <input path(s) in HDFS>                      \
-output <output path in HDFS>                       \

2. Use custom Writables

Integration of custom classes within the scripts is fairly straightforward:

  1. Add the corresponding Jar file to the classpath using hadoop’s -libjars option
  2. Refer to the class in the script via the fully qualified name

Note: outKey and outValue usage (see above) does also work for custom classes.


Suppose, there is a custom Writable implementation like

package my.fancy;



public class CustomWritable implements Writable {

    private String value;

    public CustomWritable(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String toString() {
        return this.value;

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        this.value = Text.readString(in);

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        Text.writeString(out, this.value);

Furthermore, suppose that this CustomWritable is properly bundled within a Jar file called my-writable.jar. Then it is possible to access and use this class from the map and reduce scripts with a call like

$ hadoop jar groovy-hadoop-0.2.0.jar                                     \
-libjars my-writable.jar                                                 \
-outputKeyClass my.fancy.CustomWritable                                  \
-outputValueClass LongWritable                                           \
-D mapred.reduce.tasks=0                                                 \
-map 'context.write(new my.fancy.CustomWritable(value.toString()), key)' \
-input <input path(s) in HDFS>                                           \
-output <output path in HDFS>                                            \