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version 0.2.0

Command Line Interface

groovy-hadoop is a command line tool which integrates with the hadoop jar application.

The syntax is

$ hadoop jar groovy-hadoop-0.2.0.jar [generic hadoop options] [groovy-hadoop options]

with the following rules:

  1. All generic hadoop options must be specified before groovy-hadoop options to be taken into account
  2. In case of conflicting options groovy-hadoop options override the generic hadoop ones. For example, if both -D mapred.input.dir=some/path and -input some/other/path are set, the value some/other/path will be used.

groovy-hadoop Options


prints help text with a description of both generic hadoop and groovy-hadoop options

-input <input paths>

Convenience parameter. Sets the mapred.input.dir property

-output <output paths>

Convenience parameter. Sets the mapred.output.dir property. The corresponding path should usually not exist.

-map <map script>

Executes the script in the map phase. Available parameters: key, value, context, outKey, outValue, and logger

-reduce <reduce script>

Executes the script in the reduce phase. Available parameters: key, values, context, outKey, outValue, and logger

-combine <combine script>

Executes the script in the combine phase. Available parameters: key, values, context, outKey, outValue, and logger

-outputKeyClass <class name>

Convenience parameter for the mapred.output.key.class property. All hadoop writables can be specified with only their simple class name, like Text for example.

-outputValueClass <class name>

Convenience parameter for the mapred.output.value.class property. All hadoop writables can be specified with only their simple class name, like Text for example.

-mapOutputKeyClass <class name>

Convenience parameter for the mapred.mapoutput.key.class property. All hadoop writables can be specified with only their simple class name, like Text for example.

-mapOutputValueClass <class name>

Convenience parameter for the mapred.mapoutput.value.class property. All hadoop writables can be specified with only their simple class name, like Text for example.

-combinesplits <max split size>

Sets the maximum split size for InputFormats extending FileInputFormat. Use 0 to prevent the applicaton from using combine splits, at all. Example values: 128M, 1G, 134217728. Default value is 512M.

-jvmreuse <reuse value>

Sets the mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks property. NOTE: In contrast to generic hadoop, the default value is -1 meaning “use JVM instances as often as possible”.


Do not use verbose output.

Generic Hadoop Options

Just for the sake of completeness, the following list gives an overview on the generic hadoop options which are supported and trasparently delegated to the hadoop jar application. The parameter value names and options descriptions are taken from the org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser class.

-archives <paths>

Comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute machines.

-conf <configuration file>

Specify an application configuration file.

-D <property=value>

Set arbitrary property value.

-files <paths>

Comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster.

-fs <local|namenode:port>

Sets property.

-jt <local|jobtracker:port>

Sets mapred.job.tracker property.

-libjars <paths>

Comma separated jar files to include in the classpath.